Em llevo i després de vestir-me i rentar-me la cara, surto a agafar el meu Maserati platejat que m'està esperant impacient a la plaça del meu pàrking particular. Són les 8 menys quart i segurament faré tard a la feina. Enfilo carrer Sicília amunt per anar a buscar Aragó quan en el moment just de virar, rebo un SMS: "Stas al 59?" És de la MBG (P. Ideal), una amiga de l'IPSI que li havia perdut la pista. La resposta al seu missatge, mentre poso el pilot automàtic al meu Porsche, és evident: sí, estic al vol 559 destí a la Zona Franca a bord del meu Jet 747. A les 8 encara estic a Plaça Espanya i d’aquí a un quart farà un quart que estic fent tard. Quan arribo a la Companyia i baixo del meu Jaguar m’adono que, en posar el peu a terra, la meva esquena continua fastiguejant-me i el que encara és pitjor amenaça de fer-ho tot el matí. Aleshores penso en el SMS de la MBG i recordo que quan cursàvem COU vam fer un intercanvi de CD’s; jo li vaig deixar un recopilatori de Los Rodríguez i ella, al seu torn, em prestà l’últim disc de Ocean Colour Scene on sonava una cançó que feia així:
Sonny signed his name up for tomorrow and laughed with all his friends
At all the little men who borrows tunes they heard just yesterday
Davey got us down but we got away and drank to all the days
That we had whiled away just playing Robin Hood a little out of phase
And then the nightmares come and you get blown away
And up in your room, your walls are cold
You find your head is holding out for the welcome of a better day
And then the nightmares come oaster, you can't find the breaks
Stevie burned the sky when he flew away and left us things to say
When all the world was falling down around our shoulders; cold and gray
Harry carried on in his usual way and Minnie went inside
And came out once and we both cried and Minnie blew my head away
When you're giving everything away, everybody lets you pay
You're saving up for a better day, seeing things in a better way
When you know you've got to live, there's nothing you won't give
To hear the phone and not let it ring every Monday morning
Shughie found love and he almost cried, we laughed and wondered why
We love the sky and found the space and gazed out over Stevie's plane
Better day! Esperem que així sigui!
Foto: Disc en qüestió